Semper Reformanda

...some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help.

[Thursday, June 11, 2009]

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Yes, I'm a Star Wars nerd... I'm ok with that. This has become one of my favorite websites on the internet. It's just so useful!

Yes, Star Wars: The Old Republic is a computer game that is coming out in maybe a year or so... I'm super excited. Basically, if there is "Star Wars" in the title, and it has something to do with lightsabers, I'm there.

Plus, Bioware is at the helm, which means good things. They are basically awesome when it comes to telling a great story that draws you in. And they work with George Lucas quite a bit.

After this comes out, you might not see me for a while since I'll be living out my Jedi fantasy.



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