Semper Reformanda

...some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help.

[Saturday, May 29, 2010]

Prayer Requests

Well, I think the upcoming couple of weeks has to be the most pivotal weeks of 2010 for myself and my friends... I am awestruck at how much is changing in people's lives over the course of the next few days. Here is a list of some. If you wouldn't mind, I'm sure they would appreciate the prayer, I know I would.

June 1st
-My parents fly out of Chicago to spend some time in Thailand with their friends who are serving as missionaries
-My friend Olivia Vitale comes back to the States after 9 months in Burkina Faso working at a school
-My friend Amanda Salmond is heading to Oakland California to work with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship over the summer
-My friend Becky Beerbower's husband returns home from Russia where he was working with an orphanage

June 3rd
-My two friends Casey Jordan and Matt Lybarger are heading to Israel for a couple of weeks to check out where the bible took place

June 4th
-My last day of work at Maritz
-My bible content exam at Covenant Seminary

June 5th
-My good friend Dustin Bailey will be marrying Andrea Brinkman... I get to be a groomsman

June 7th
-I start Greek classes

June 8th
-I get to start working grounds at my church for the summer


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